Rabindranath Tagore First Poem

Updated on October 6, 2023 in Rabindra Sangeet
2 on October 1, 2023

What is the First Poem of Rabindranath Tagore ?

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0 on October 6, 2023

he first poem written by Rabindranath Tagore is titled “Bhagna Hriday,” which translates to “Broken Heart” in English. Here is the English translation of the poem:

The rain has held back for days and days, my God, in my arid heart.

The horizon is fiercely naked—not the thinnest cover of a soft cloud,
not the vaguest hint of a distant cool shower.

Send thy angry storm, dark with death, if it is thy wish, and with lashes
of lightning startle the sky from end to end.

But call back, my lord, call back this pervading silent heat,
still and keen and cruel, burning the heart with dire despair.

Let the cloud of grace bend low from above like the tearful look of
the mother on the day of the father’s wrath.

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0 on October 6, 2023
Jhor utheche, jhor utheche, bhengeche mon,
Sare ache, jyotsna alo jariye.
Tumi acho tai, tai na keno, tai na keno?
Tai na keno, tai na keno?
Tumi acho tai, tai na keno, tai na keno?

Din katlo, aboshan samay samay, mon bhoreche ondho kore.
Chaliteche jol, dharayche shunno bimbo, na jani na kothay kore.

Tumi acho tai, tai na keno, tai na keno?
Tai na keno, tai na keno?
Tumi acho tai, tai na keno, tai na keno?


These are the Bengali lyrics of the poem “Bhagna Hridoy” by Rabindranath Tagore, transliterated into the English alphabet.

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